A To Z Amount From Of Reckoner Too Components Too Other Technical Brusk From

Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 to Z Full From

Computer - Commonly Operated Machine Particularly Used inwards Technical in addition to Educational Research
3D - 3 dimensional
3G - 3rd
aac - advanced well coding
ac97 - well codec 97
amr - adaptive multi-rate
asi - asynchronous series interface
asp - active server pages
atm - automated teller machine
basic - beginner's all-purpose symbolic education code
bcc - blind carbon copy
bios - basic input output system
bpo - trouble organization procedure outsourcing
cbr - constant bitrate
cc - carbon copy
cd - compaq disk
ceo - principal executive officer
clx share library for cross platform
cobol - mutual business-oriented language
codec - coder-decoder
cpu - key processing unit
css - cascading fashion sheets
divx - named equally a paradoy to divx system
dns - domain lift system
dvd - digital versatile disk in addition to digital video disc
dvi - digital video interactive
et - exabyte
flac - gratis lossless well codec
fortran - formula translation
ftp - file transfer protocol
gb - gigabyte
gif - graphics interchange format
google - global organization of oriented grouping linguistic communication of earth
gprs - full general bundle radio service gps - global positioning system
gsm - global scheme for mobile communications
hd - high definition
html - hypertext markup language
https - hypertext transfer protocol
imei - international mobile equipment identity
ip - cyberspace protocol
isp - cyberspace service srovider
it - information technology
jad - coffee application descriptor
jpeg - articulation photographic experts group
kb - kilobyte
lcd - liquid crystal display
led - liquid electronic display
mb - megabyte
mbps -"mega bits per second
micr - magnetic ink graphic symbol recognition
mis - management information system
mms - multimedia messaging service
mp3 - mpeg layer-3
mp4 - mpeg layer-4
mpeg - moving moving-picture demo experts group
oss - open well system
pc - personal computer
pdf - portable document format
perl - practical extraction in addition to study language
ping - packet cyberspace groper
png - portable network graphics
prolog -"programming inwards logic
pt - petabyte
qif - quicken interchange format
qrcode - quick reply code
ram - random access memory
rip - rest inwards peace
rssreally - simple syndication
sata - series advanced engineering attachment
seo - search engine optimization
sim - subscriber identity module
smil - synchronized multimedia integration language
sms - short message service
sos - send out succour
sql - structured interrogation language
ssl  -  secure sockets layer
tb - terabyte
tft - thin cinema transister
tiff - tagged epitome file format
ups - uninterrupted ability supply
url - uniform resources locator
usb - universal series motorcoach
vb - visual basic
vbr - variable fleck rate
vbs - visual basic script
vcd - video compaq disk
virus - vital information resources nether seize
vlc - video lan client
wap - wireless application protocol
wifi - wireless fidelity
wma - windows media audio
wmv - windows media video
www - world broad web
xbl - xml binding language
xml - extensible markup language
yt - yottabyte
zb - zettabyte
zip - zone improvement plan
If you lot withdraw whatever other amount form.. comment on this post..
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